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[Podcast] Dream Out Loud with Nedra Buckmire: How Coaching Transitioned My Path podcast Oct 13, 2022

In this episode, we chat with Nedra Buckmire about her heart to see others' dreams realized, what first got her into coaching, and how coaching transitioned her path. We're all growing, and coaching can change the coach just as much as the one being coached!

"As a coach, you're having "aha"...

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5 Mistakes Coaches Should Avoid blog Oct 06, 2022

by Myke Celis, M.A., PCC

Fact: No one became a great coach overnight.

It takes years of consistent, intentional practice, studying and learning from mistakes accumulated along the way. 

As a professional coach for quite some time now, I have had my own share of mistakes back when I was...

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[Podcast] Dream Out Loud with Jeff Smith: Organizational Coaching podcast Oct 06, 2022

In this episode, Jeff Smith shares with us about organizational coaching—what it is, how to discern what kind of coaching your clients need, what role listening plays in that role, and much more!

"A good listener is able to reframe for the person what they said."—Jeff Smith

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[Podcast] Dream Out Loud with Jim Bolin: Coaching Executive Teams podcast Sep 29, 2022

Today, Jim Bolin delves into the specifics of coaching executive teams, how coaching can give a fresh perspective to clients and coaches alike, some of the strategies behind effective coaching, and the lessons he's learned while coaching other clients!

"Coaching takes the lid off for you so that...

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Responding vs. Reactingā€¦ Or Does It Matter? blog Sep 22, 2022

by Marvin Allen

Welcome to my monthly leadership blog. Regular subscribers know that I consider anyone who has followers to be a leader. Leaders, therefore, can also be defined as influencers. As influencers, you must be purposeful in responding versus reacting. Do you know the difference? Before...

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