Privacy and Data Protection Policy
The purpose of this policy is to define the Dream Releaser Coaching Privacy and Data Protection Policy. The policy applies to all Dream Releaser Coaching data and information which stores learner and instructor data on various platforms.
Policy Statements
Before or at the time of collecting personal information, Dream Releaser Coaching will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
Dream Releaser Coaching will collect and use personal information solely with the objective of fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, unless Dream Releaser Coaching obtains the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
Dream Releaser Coaching will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
Dream Releaser Coaching will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned. Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up to date.
Dream Releaser Coaching will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
Dream Releaser Coaching will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.
Record Release
You may at any time request your educational records by emailing us at [email protected]. Dream Releaser Coaching will respond with a record release form which can be completed and submitted to [email protected].
Dream Releaser Coaching is committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.
Grievance Policy
Dream Releaser Coaching (DRC) seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to attempt to solve any grievances in a timely and fair manner. Participants have the right to file a grievance regarding presentation or content, facility concerns, or instructor/faculty behavior.
All grievances will be addressed to the best of our ability to prevent further problems. A process for filing grievances can be found below:
Step 1: A participant should first attempt to resolve the issue directly with the educator/trainer, staff, or participant with whom they have an issue. If participants are not comfortable approaching the individual, they can proceed to step 2.
Step 2: If participants are not comfortable approaching the individual with whom they have a grievance, or are unable to resolve the issue directly, participants should submit a written grievance to DRC’s COO within 3 days. They will review the issue and talk to the student within 24-48 hours of receiving the complaint. They will work with all parties involved to resolve the issue.
Step 3: If a participant does not feel the issue is resolved, a written request for an appeal should be sent to DRC’s CEO for review. This appeal should include the original complaint and reason(s) the participant is unsatisfied with the resolution attempt(s). Appeals are reviewed and a written response will be provided to the participant within 24-48 hours. All appeal decisions are final.
DEIJ Statement
The ICF Global Board of Directors approved the ICF Statement of Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Justice in July 2020. Staff and volunteer leaders from ICF’s six family organizations subsequently cosigned the statement. This statement of principles reflects a position we invite every ICF Member, Credential-holder and accredited provider to subscribe to.
ICF Members and Credential-holders live and work in more than 140 countries and territories. ICF is a vibrant global community committed to the shared vision of making coaching an integral part of a thriving society. Our mission is to lead the global advancement of coaching. To do this, we must reflect on our blind spots and be aware of opportunities for improvement. We cannot ignore the challenges that many coaches and coaching clients face due to systemic problems in their communities.
As members of the ICF community, we ascribe to the core values of integrity, excellence, collaboration and respect. The foundation of these values is a shared commitment to diversity, inclusion, belonging and justice. We will place diversity, inclusion, belonging and justice at the forefront of every decision we make within our Association. As we continue the journey toward our vision, we will recommit ourselves to valuing the unique talents, insights and experiences that every coach and client brings to the world.
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of Dream Releaser Coaching (DRC) that:
- Recruitment and hiring of all personnel is conducted without discrimination against any individual with regard to race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
- All staff and personnel will not discriminate against any employee or participant because of race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
- All individuals are welcome to participate regardless of race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
- All employees, students, and other participants should be able to enjoy an environment free of discrimination and harassment. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination or harassment in the areas of race, age, religion, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or veteran status. Our organization does not and will not tolerate conduct by any employee, student, volunteer, contractor, visitor, or vendor which unreasonably interferes with an individual’s ability to learn in a welcoming environment.
Participants who wish to report discrimination are encouraged to follow the grievance policy outlined within our policy documents. DRC will promptly investigate all claims and reports of inappropriate conduct.
Dream Releaser Coaching encourages leaders to communicate our organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion in company-wide meetings, emails, and other internal communications such as staff meetings. Instructors are highly encouraged to reinforce DRC values and highlight initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion. During each opening CE/Training, instructor or host are to display DRC’s Anti Discriminatory policy on the projector, visible for all participants prior to the start of the lesson. In addition, a written copy of the policy will be provided for those wishing to have a copy. During our virtual in person CE/Training, the written portion will be emailed to all interested parties upon request.
Complaint Procedure
Individuals who believe they have been the victims of conduct prohibited by this policy or believe they have witnessed such conduct should discuss their concerns with their immediate supervisor, human resources or any member of the personnel.
Any reported allegations of harassment, discrimination or retaliation will be investigated promptly. The investigation may include interviews with the parties involved and where necessary, with individuals who may have observed the alleged conduct or may have other relevant knowledge.
If a party to a complaint does not agree with its resolution, that part may appeal to the DRC Executive Director or the Chief Operating Officer. False and malicious complaints of harassment, discrimination or retaliation (as opposed to complaints that, even if erroneous, are made in good (faith) may be subject of appropriate disciplinary action.
General Disability Policy
Dream Releaser Coaching (DRC) supports individuals with disabilities and is committed to providing disabled individuals access reasonable accommodations. In addition, DRC prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and ensures equal opportunity for all qualified individuals with disabilities.
DRC is committed to providing reasonable accommodations in compliance with all local, state/territory, and federal laws. Individuals with questions about this policy, or who wish to request accommodation should contact Robin Buttler at [email protected].
Able to accommodate learning disability:
Our goal is to create a learning environment which meets the needs of each individual student. We are able to accommodate a variety of learning disabilities to make our program more accessible.
Please contact Robin Buttler at [email protected] before enrolling to determine if your needs can be met.
Illness Policy
In order to provide you with the minimum required training hours for certification, it is important that you are present at all course meetings. If you have an emergency or become ill and are not able to attend a coaching session, please contact your Dream Releaser Coaching (DRC) instructor immediately.
You will be expected to complete the session materials, review the session recording, and complete a coaching session outside the live session to make up for the missed session.
If you need to miss more than two hours of the course, you will have the option to work with the instructor to cover the missed material at your own expense or register for another course. If you miss more than two hours of mentor coaching, you will need to arrange and pay for individual mentor coaching sessions to complete the required 10 hours of mentor coaching to satisfy the International Coaching Federation requirements.
Petitions to this policy are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be submitted in writing to the DRC Instructor.
Partial Completion Policy
At this time, we are not able to offer credit for partial completion of our program. You must complete the entire program to receive credit. Individuals with questions about this policy are encouraged to contact Robin Buttler at [email protected].
Participation Policy
Success in our program requires full commitment by all participants. By enrolling in this course, participants agree to being fully present during all sessions and participate to the best of their ability.
This includes arriving on time, abiding by the code of conduct, and engaging in course activities.
In order to provide you with the minimum required training hours for certification, it is important that you are present at all course meeting.
If you have an emergency or become ill and are not able to attend a coaching session, please contact your Dream Releaser Coaching (DRC) instructor immediately. You will be expected to complete the session materials, review the session recording, and complete a coaching session outside the live session to make up for the missed session.
If you need to miss more than 5 of the 10 hours of each track provided within the course, you will have the option to work with the instructor to cover the missed material at your own expense or register for another course.
If you miss more than 5 hours of mentor coaching, you will need to arrange and pay for individual mentor coaching sessions to complete the required 10 hours of mentor coaching to satisfy the International Coaching federation requirements.
Petitions to this policy are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be submitted in writing to the DRC instructor.
Course Engagement:
Our courses are designed to be interactive and engaging for our participants. It is therefore an expectation that you participate in course activities, including dialogue with the course instructor and peers, mock coaching activities, and experiential learning exercises. If you are unable to participate in any activity, please inform your instructor as soon as possible. Please refer to the code of conduct for additional details.
Code of Conduct:
Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner during all sessions. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Arriving on time to all sessions.
- Attending all live sessions and mentor coaching sessions.
- Having your camera on for virtual live sessions.
- Participating fully in all sessions and mentor coaching sessions. This includes being prepared for the session, involving yourself in discussions and activities, assuming responsibility for your learning, and contributing to the learning of others.
- Engaging in discussions with integrity and honesty.
- Being respectful of your fellow participants and instructors, including silencing your cell phone, not texting, and other disruptive behaviors.
- Embracing diversity and inclusion while respecting the dignity and humanity of others.
Payment/Fees/Refund Policies
Payment/Fees Policy
All registrations are secured on a first-come, first-served basis. Your registration in a course is
dependent upon receipt of full payment. We accept payment by Click here to pay. All payment will be in US currency, by debit card, credit card, or by written check.
Refund Policy
Cancellation of a course must be made a minimum of 2 weeks after start date of current track to be eligible for a refund. Cancellations made beyond that time within the track are not eligible for a refund. Written notice of cancellation shall be effective on the date the withdrawal is received by your DRC trainer. Refunds will be made within 3 days following receipt of cancellation or withdrawal requests.
Registration Modifications
Modifications to registration, including substitutions of participants or transfer of course dates, are not accepted as our program must be completed by the initial enrollee and in the order of the tracks.
Transfer of Credit Policy
At this time, we are not able to accept partial course credit from other organizations or programs. Even if you have completed another Level 1 program, you must enroll for the entirety of our program for it to be considered completed. Individuals with questions about this process should contact Robin Buttler at [email protected].
Statement on Ethics, Integrity, Transparency
As an ICF Accredited provider, our organization adheres to and emphasizes the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics. The ICF Code of ethics describes the ICF core values, ethical principles, and standards of behavior for all ICF professionals.
Meeting these ethical standards of behavior is the first of the ICF core coaching competencies. You can read more about the ICF Code of Ethics here.
Additionally, Dream Releaser Coaching (DRC) commits to acting with integrity and transparency. We hold ourselves and our participants to the highest level of integrity and strive to be as transparent as possible by explicitly stating measures being taken to provide programs in an ethical manner.
We do not believe in using manipulative or dishonest sales tactics and strive to provide a safe and ethical sales process. Further, we work to provide fair and equitable pricing for all programs to ensure access and quality of coaching education.
Intellectual Property Policy
Dream Releaser Coaching, subject to the rights of government and other sponsors as well as any exceptions contained in this policy, owns all intellectual property arising from DRC. Creators of intellectual property have an obligation to disclose intellectual property arising from DRC in the manner prescribed within this policy. In consideration of employment with the DRC or by otherwise engaging in DRC as described in this Intellectual Property Policy, Creators automatically assign to DRC all intellectual property rights arising from such DRC, and agree to assist the DRC in legally protecting that intellectual property. The DRC owns or retains an interest in, as applicable, any portions, modifications, extensions, derivations, improvements, or translations of intellectual property as it would in the original work. The DRC and the Creator share in any royalty income resulting from the intellectual property as described in this policy.
The DRC owns all rights to all patentable inventions arising from DRC. DRC will normally make an initial decision whether to pursue a patent or other legal protection within six months of the initial disclosure of such potential invention to DRC by the Creator. If the DRC elects to pursue a patent or other legal protection, all costs shall be borne by DRC or by a sponsor or licensee.
Dream Releaser Coaching, LLC owns all copyrightable materials (including computer programs, software, or multi-media productions) that are works made for hire under copyright law or that are developed pursuant to DRC work unless otherwise provided in this policy. Consistent with long-standing academic tradition, DRC does not normally claim ownership of works such as textbooks, articles, papers, scholarly monographs, or artistic works. Creators therefore retain copyright in such works, unless such works are created under a grant or sponsored program that specifies ownership rights in some entity other than the Creator, such works are the subject of a contract modifying ownership rights, or rights in such works are otherwise addressed in this policy.
Educational Materials
Educational materials produced in the normal course of DRC’s educational mission will generally be owned by the Creators of the materials. Certain circumstances, however, may give rise to ownership by DRC, e.g., Educational Materials that are works made for hire, such as those produced by non-faculty employees within the specific scope of their employment with DRC.
Educational Materials Developed as Works Made for Hire
DRC owns all Educational Materials (including computer programs, software, mobile apps, games, or multi-media productions) that are works made for hire under copyright law, unless otherwise specified in this policy, or that are required to be assigned to DRC by contract terms with third parties or by the terms of a grant or sponsored program under which the DRC is a recipient. Educational Materials Developed on the Initiative of the Creator with less than Substantial Use of DRC Facilities and Resources. This category includes a faculty member developing learning materials, whether printed, video, digital or in another format, to supplement a new or existing DRC course, with incidental or less than substantial use of DRC-provided facilities or resources. In this situation, the Educational Materials would be owned by the Creator. As such, the Educational Materials could be used by the Creator outside the context of DRC course, consistent with the DRC’s Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment policies. For any such use, the Creator is not allowed to use DRC’s name in conjunction with the Educational Materials without the specific written permission of DRC. If the Creator of these types of Educational Materials seeks to distribute or share the Materials through DRC-provided platforms or channels, they may do so after reaching a written agreement with DRC Creator.
Changes to Educational Materials
The owner of Educational Materials has the right to change or make derivative works of his or her Educational Materials. Educational Materials owned by DRC may only be changed, and derivative works of DRC-owned Educational Materials may only be made, with the written permission of the DRC.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with Dream Releaser Coaching, LLC codes of conduct or policies. Sanctions may include one or more of the following:
- suspension or termination of DRC and all of its resources;
- disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment;
- student discipline in accordance with applicable DRC policy