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[Blog] How important is coaching? blog Jun 09, 2022

So many people are finding themselves in positions of not being sure what to expect in life.  Because of this uncertainty, not many goals are being set and there isn’t much dreaming out loud taking place.  How amazing that we, as life coaches, are privileged to play a significant role in encouraging...

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[Blog] Why become a certified life coach? blog Jun 02, 2022

Do you ever find yourself growing tired of listening to the voices around you saying you can’t, you shouldn’t, you won’t?  Do you find yourself allowing your past to dictate your future and keeping you from progressing, growing, and accomplishing all that you could? Well, you are absolutely not alon...

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[Blog] Become a Certified Life Coach! blog May 25, 2022

What if you could earn an additional income that takes the financial weight off your shoulders, all the while providing the opportunity for dreams to become reality?  Think about that.  It not only provides what you need financially and tangibly, but serves to fulfill emotional desires you may have ...

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[Blog] The Role of Coaching in the Discovery of Life Purpose blog May 18, 2022

by Bradley D. Davidson, Ph.D.

My friend, who I’ll call Bob, was nearing the end of life. Bob and I had worked together for years and had grown to be good friends. As he was coming to terms with the end of life, Bob ask me to stop by for a visit. We sat across the room from each other and reminisced...

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[Blog] Everyone Needs a Life Coach blog May 04, 2022

by Dr. Chris Bowen

Anyone who knows me on either a personal or professional level typically knows my signature of #LivingMyDream. Some may speculate that the reason that is my motto is because I was the founding pastor of a thriving church in the Atlanta area for 27 years.  Others may think that tr...

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