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[Blog] The Wonder of Coaching

blog Jun 30, 2022

by Karla Dennis

Wow, Life Coaching, right? Is it not the single greatest thing in the world? I personally think so!

First, let me be honest and get straight to the truth, I have not been a life coach for very long. At this point I don’t even have a client list yet. So how is it possible that I find coaching so amazing? It all comes down to the title of this blog, the wonder of coaching. In my short and very limited experience (working on that) I have discovered that look of wonder that people get when you ask them that one question that changes everything. That aha moment people have as they get silent and just sit there thinking. It’s the moment when they realize that their life and future is in their hands, and they can do something about it. This is the reason why I wanted to be a life coach, and this is the reason why I am.

My first experience with coaching happened with one of my best friends who had recently discovered it for herself. As her guinea pig, or maybe I used her for free coaching, either way, with each question she asked it brought me to this place of seeing my situation differently. This is where I discovered the wonder of coaching personally.  As I was asked questions my answers lead me to possibilities I didn’t see or even imagine before.  I started to take steps, make decisions, and met goals. There is something so incredible about seeing your life change because of you. It was so impactful that I started using coaching questions with my friends, my family, and the people I served at the church.

As a pastor and friend, I have often tried to tell, push, or create what I thought was best for people, what I thought they needed to move them forward. In addition to that I always put so much pressure on myself to get them certain results. Partly because I work in a job that expects it, and partly because as a friend, I wanted to be the one that made it happen for them. I always had the right heart but the wrong method. Coaching gave me the structure I needed. With coaching I can help people change their life as they decide what in their life needs to be changed. It also released me from me, because it was no longer on me to make things happen. I am truly able to help people help themselves.

I can confidently say that so far in my experience as a coach I have seen the wonder of a mom who realized she wasn’t putting her family first, I have seen the wonder of a little girl realize her actions at school needed to change, I have seen the wonder of a lady as she realized she can leave an abusive relationship, I have seen the wonder of a friend  as she reached goals for her business, and I have seen the wonder of my friend as I have coached her in hard situations.  So far for me coaching has been epic, and it's just the beginning.

There is so much wonder to be discovered in coaching, there is so much untapped wonder waiting in people to be seen. I am not sure if you are a life coach or not. If you are a coach don’t give up fighting to discover the wonder in all your clients, keep fighting for them to have those aha moments.  If you’re not a coach, think about becoming one. I promise you, you won’t regret the impact it has on your life and the people you will coach.