Personal Finance-Viability and Health
Jan 30, 2025It's been said that people will spend all their health to obtain wealth, only to eventually spend all their wealth trying to regain their health." I don't know about you, but when I read this quote, people I've known both personally & professionally quickly come to mind. When we look at today's world, we can easily see that everyone seems to be chasing the dream of obtaining wealth, and the extravagant lifestyle that comes with it.
There is no doubt that there is plenty of money to be made out there!
Unfortunately, there are many who haven't come to the realization that wealth alone does not equal happiness or viability. We seem to constantly see in the news so many famous, seemingly successful people who have either taken their own lives, or turned to alcohol or drug abuse that left them penny-less. The pressures of life are there, whether you are wealthy or not. It's how we respond to that pressure that makes the difference of whether we enjoy happiness & true success in life.
Money is not evil. When the Bible speaks of money, it states that it's the LOVE of money that is evil. Being money-hungry is driven from greed & all the wrong reasons for desiring wealth. So many people will run over anyone or do whatever it takes to make their money. They may get to enjoy a lavish lifestyle for a while, but in the long run, they will fail.
Your motives for obtaining wealth are actually the keys to not only succeeding at gaining it, but being happy & thriving on your journey! James 4:3 tells us, "You ask & do not receive because you ask with the wrong motives so that you can spend what you request on your own pleasures". Ask yourself why you're doing all that you are to gain wealth & prosperity. What is the driving force behind it all?
There are many things that cause us to be physically ill besides the obvious factors of diet & exercise. Our mental well-being is vital to our success! If you are carrying the weight of trying to gain financial growth through any means that are either illegal or immoral, you may experience temporary success, but it will result in costing you things that are much more valuable than money. When we allow greed, selfishness, the need for power, being puffed-up or prideful to become our driving force for success, we also allow these things to take a toll on our mental & emotional well-being. Some of the side effects of selfish ambition include; insomnia, loneliness, depression, anxiety etc.; and these things lead to so many physical issues. Most of all though, selfish ambition deprives us of peace. It's been said that anything that costs us our peace is too expensive, and nothing could be more true.
Contrary to popular belief, money doesn't change us, not by any means. It simply reveals to the world who we truly are! Some people who become wealthy seem to suddenly become selfish hoarders, who refuse to help anyone & spend their wealth foolishly only on themselves & their desires. Others use their money as a tool to build others & contribute to causes they know will allow others to succeed. It's not WHAT you HAVE that makes you successful in life; it's what you DO with what you HAVE that makes all the difference!
Make sure you're chasing the right dreams with the purpose of helping not only yourself to live comfortably, but to have the ability to also pour blessings into others. When you realize this life is about so much more than yourself, you can enjoy the peace & happiness that comes with #LivingMyDream!
-Dr. Chris Bowen