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[Blog] How important is coaching?

blog Jun 09, 2022

So many people are finding themselves in positions of not being sure what to expect in life.  Because of this uncertainty, not many goals are being set and there isn’t much dreaming out loud taking place.  How amazing that we, as life coaches, are privileged to play a significant role in encouraging people to not allow their past or even their current reality to stop them from setting their goals and seeing their dreams come true! We are able to come alongside our clients and offer the support, encouragement, and accountability they need.  What an amazing honor to be that neutral platform they need to consider their options and discover their opportunities! In addition to all of this, we earn an income for doing what we are passionate about! Wow!!

Oh, wait? You’re not a life coach? Well, WE CAN CHANGE THAT!! We want to challenge you to register for our program here at Dream Releaser Coaching.  Our next semester begins on June 27th! 

Our program is accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and in addition to the tracks we provide for your complete certification to coach, we also provide the track which prepares you to apply for ICF credentialing. Our program consists of these four tracks: Coaching Essentials, Whole Life Coaching, Coaching with Sam Chand and Building Your Coaching Business.  We cover everything from start to finish, from correctly defining coaching, all the way to how to register your business.

If you’ve completed our program and are ready to move into the credentialing process, contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 770-231-6187. 

Check out our website here! Register today to become a certified life coach!