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blog Feb 27, 2025

Dr. Sherry Gaither

A question that is often asked is, “how do I know coaching is for me?”

If you’ve asked that, you are in good company. I would feel safe in saying that anyone who is currently a coach has asked themselves that question before.

Mark Twain once said, “The two best days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why you were born.” I added a third day and changed the order: The three best days of your life are the day you were born, the day you were “born again” and the day you find out why you were born [purpose].”

Let’s talk about what coaching is not—and what coaching is:

  • Coaching is not counseling. Counseling focuses on problems, dealing with conflicts, insecurities, spiritual struggles, and emotional issues.  Counseling focuses on the past, and the root cause of the problem.  
  • Coaching is not mentoring. Mentors use a teaching approach to impart knowledge and skills from their area of expertise.
  • Coaching is not consulting. Consultants are paid to analyze a situation and give expert advice.

So how do you know if coaching is for you?

Dr. Brenda Chand, author of You Can Coach: A Practical Guide to Coaching in Everyday Life states, “Coaching is moving a person from the place in which they are through active listening, asking powerful questions, identifying their goals, providing encouragement, and holding them accountable to reach their destiny for life.”

Dr. Brenda shares an inventory to help you gauge your Interest and talents for coaching. She asks you to rate each of the following qualities on a scale of 0 (nonexistent) to 10 (outstanding):


—-----  People look to me when they need advice or feel stuck.

—-----  I am known as a good listener.

—-----  I have learned some lessons the hard way.

—-----  I am passionate about my own development.

—-----  I love to see others succeed.

—-----  I am dependable. People say they can count on me.

_____  When people are in trouble, I am both patient and persistent.

_____  I have a knack for seeing potential in others.

_____  I am willing and eager to launch this as a business.

_____  I know when I am in too deep with someone’s problem.


_____  TOTAL


Scoring, based on your answers to the above:

0-20 Coaching is not for you, and you know it.

21-40 You have some relational skills, but not enough to be a coach.

41-60 You are either a compassionate person or disciplined person, but maybe not both.

61-80 You have a lot of the talents and heart necessary to be a great coach, and this is a real possibility for you.

81-100 You are incredibly gifted and skilled in interpersonal connection, and you will be a terrific coach.

Get the book by Dr. Brenda Chand by clicking here.

So, how did I know that coaching was for me? Years ago, before I became a coach, I described myself as a “midwife”.  I was passionate about helping others to “birth” their dreams and get unstuck. A midwife comes along a woman:

  • To help her deliver a healthy baby.
  • To help her stay focused in the midst of labor pains.
  • To encourage her to keep pushing and not abort the process, even if it is taking so long. 
  • Not to get too impatient and give birth to a premature baby.

I was asking powerful questions before I knew they were powerful. People were sharing their dreams and goals with me, as I actively listened to them, and cheered them on.  Whenever I saw individuals, I was asking for updates.  I was holding them accountable.  I just didn’t know these were coaching principles.  I only knew that empowering others to transform their lives, to get unstuck, and to rebound and move forward was part of my “DNA”.  Coaching gave me the opportunity to do that and more.

So, as you continue to listen to these dynamic coach facilitators, and you find yourself getting excited and coaching is calling your name, then 2025 is the year to answer the call: WELCOME TO DRC 2025! 

If you are passionate about:

  • Helping people get unstuck.
  • Inspiring them to set and reach their goals.
  • Challenging them to focus on the present and their future, not the past.
  • And motivating them to turn dreams into realities, then 

Coaching is for YOU!