[Blog] Everyone Needs a Life Coach
May 04, 2022by Dr. Chris Bowen
Anyone who knows me on either a personal or professional level typically knows my signature of #LivingMyDream. Some may speculate that the reason that is my motto is because I was the founding pastor of a thriving church in the Atlanta area for 27 years. Others may think that traveling internationally and speaking at places around the world is what's made my dream become a reality. Others may assume I'm so satisfied with life because of my marriage and family that I love so much. Although all of these things are incredible blessings that I am so grateful for, the reality is, I'm living my dream by helping others achieve their destinies!
As a life coach, this is the greatest perk or benefit of my job! Seeing clients achieve both small- and long-term goals that they once walked away from, gave up on, or had gotten stuck in the process of obtaining is truly one of my heart's greatest joys! I know all of my colleagues would agree that the "Aha" moments of a client on their personal journey to success bring us a sense of fulfillment that is incomparable.
However, helping others discover & achieve their goals isn't possible without PLANS! Without a strategic plan, success usually doesn't come! In this case, PLANS is an acronym that I developed for Dream Releaser Coaching in order to incorporate the most valuable components of any coaching session. Let me break it down for you.
P-owerful questions. Asking powerful, open-ended questions enables the client to reach a place of discovery, action, and clarity in order to form a plan that will achieve their desired goal.
L-istening. There is a distinct difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is done by the ears, but listening is done from the heart. It's one thing to hear information, but listening is done intentionally and creates relationships. It requires concentration and complete focus. True listening will also involve paying attention to nonverbal cues the client gives as well as what they actually say. This is why staying present and focused on the client is vital to successful coaching.
A-ccountability. This requires the client to take ownership and accept the responsibility for taking the steps necessary in order to obtain their goals. This helps the client to stay on track, look at the big picture and make needed adjustments in order to make progress on their journey.
N-eutral. This is one of the traits that separates counseling from coaching. As a coach, you help the client discover for themselves what is necessary to achieve their goals and empower them to find solutions that will get them to their desired place. One of our greatest privileges is assisting the client to open their own mind and discover their own potential!
S-ilence. Silence is your best friend! Silence is the coach's reminder not to interject their own solutions, but allow the client the space they need in order to discover their own answers. They develop the ability to think and explore options for themselves. Developing this skill is essential for the success of the client.
Through all of the essentials of coaching we find in implementing these PLANS, we discover the joy that is found in helping us achieve our destinies. That is what I call #LivingYourDream.